I have been working alone and there is so much a lone individual can contribute. So now I am looking for some insightful individuals to join me and the community of this site's visitors and lets take this site to the next level of usefulness.
Like your own analysis (fundamentals based, no technical's please), some useful data, economy based, sector based or company specific? Then join me, share your work and views with this site's audience and be known amongst the community of Pakistani stocks investors. Contact me using the contact page and I'll let you have your own spot on this site. Oh and of course I can't pay you anything (as I don't earn anything from this site) (sorry for that disappointment) (I do understand that it will cost you money to do research on internet, that your time is not free, that you could earn something doing something else but all that applies to me too; I spend money to keep this site running; think of it as a sort of open-source community, a not for profit organization), but if you want to be known then what are you waiting for hop on.
Welcome to the team, you are appreciated!
Contact me!
Rashid shahib, though I'm a novice but I'd like o join your community and will try to contribute as much as I can in any possible way...
ReplyDeleteBest wishes and good luck.
Gull Khan
Oh being novice is not a problem. Novice is a person going through the pain of actively learning new stuff. I am still learning. I am really impressed with your enthusiasm and thank you for your will to contribute. Let me know what kind of contributory material you have in mind.
DeleteYou are doing a great job. Thumbs up
ReplyDeleteLots of thanks dear friend!
Deletethis is great! keep it up man! you'll probably get a huge list of subscribers if you advertise a little!
ReplyDeleteAdvertise (you mean like paid ads)! No I will pass.
DeleteAssalamoalaykum Malik
ReplyDeleteLanded ur site while searching some script data, Good stuff i must say.
I'm a small investor having interest in fundamentals........
Was wondering if a small segment for sharia compliance stocks could be added on your page, as I go for them only and there is not much info around it.
Ahmed Sheikh
Thanks for the kind words Ahmed!
DeleteI review all shares listed at KSE, sharia compliant or not.
KSE web site maintains a list of sharia compliant stocks. If you scroll through the left side, links menu, of KSE main page, you would find it the link at the bottom of the page (http://www.kse.com.pk/phps/index1.php#). I am pasting the same table here as well, for your perusal;
"Shariah Compliant Stocks at KSE based on the review period ending December 2012 (in alphabetical order)"
S. No Name Symbol
1 Abbott Laboratories ABOT
2 Agriauto Industries Ltd AGIL
3 Atlas Battery ATBA
4 Atlas honda cycle ATLH
5 Attock Cement ACPL
6 Attock Refinery Ltd ATRL
7 B.R.R. Guardian Modaraba BRR
8 BankIslami Pakistan BIPL
9 Bannu Woollen Mills Ltd BNWM
10 Bata (Pak) BATA
11 Bawany Air Product Ltd BAPL
12 Burshane LPG (Pakistan) Ltd BPL
13 Cherat Cement CHCC
14 cherat packaging Ltd CPPL
15 Clariant Pakistan Ltd CPL
16 Crescent standard modaraba CSM
17 D.G.Cement DGKC
18 Dewan Farooque Spinning Mills Ltd. DFSM
19 Dynea Pakistan DYNO
20 Elite Cap. Mod FECM
21 Engro Foods Ltd. EFOODS
22 Exide Pak. Ltd EXIDE
23 F. National Bank Modaraba FNBM
24 Fauji Bin Qasim FFBL
25 Fauji Fertilizer Ltd FFC
26 Fecto Cement Ltd FECTC
27 Ferozsons Lab. FEROZ
28 First Habib Bank Modaraba FHBM
29 First Habib Modaraba FHAM
30 Flying Cement FLYNG
31 Ghandhara Industries ltd GHNI
32 Ghandhara Nissan Ltd GHNL
33 Ghani Gases GGL
34 Ghani Glass GHGL
35 Glaxo Smith Kline GLAXO
36 Grays of Cambridge GRAYS
37 H.Atlas car HCAR
38 Habib ADM LTd HAL
39 Haydari Construction HADC
40 Hino pak HINO
41 Hub Power Co HUBC
42 Huffaz Pipes HSPI
43 I. C. I. Pakistan ICI
44 IBL Healthcare Ltd IBLHL
45 Indus motor INDU
46 K.S.B.Pumps KSBP
47 Karachi Electric Supply Corp KESC
48 Kohat Cement KOHC
49 Kohinoor Energy KOHE
50 Lafarge Pakistan Cement LPCL
51 Linde Pakistan Ltd LINDE
52 Lotte Pakistan PTA Ltd LOTPTA
53 Lucky Cement LUCK
54 Maple leaf cement MLCF
55 Mari Petroleum MARI
56 Meezan Bank Ltd MEBL
57 Mehran sugar MRNS
58 Millat Tractor Ltd MTL
59 Nat. Refinery Ltd NRL
60 National Foods NATF
61 Netsol Technologies Ltd NETSOL
62 Nimir Ind. Chemical Ltd NICL
63 Nishat Mills NML
64 Oil & Gas Dev. Co OGDC
65 P. S. O. PSO
66 P.N.S.C. PNSC
67 P.T.C.L.A PTC
68 Packages PKGS
69 Pak Int. Cont. Ltd. PICT
70 Pak Oilfields POL
71 Pak Refinery PRL
72 Pak Suzuki PSMC
73 Pakistan Petroleum PPL
74 Pioneer Cement PIOC
75 Prudential Modaraba. Ist PMI
76 Punjab Modaraba FPJM
77 Quice Foods QUICE
78 Sally Textile Mills SLYT
79 Sazgaar Engineering Works Limited SAZEW
80 Searl Company SEARL
81 Service Ind. Ltd SRVI
82 Shell Pakistan Ltd. SHEL
83 Sitara chemical ind. SITC
84 Sitara Peroxide Ltd SPL
85 Standard Chart. Mod. SCM
86 Sui Northern SNGP
87 Tariq Glass TGL
88 Telecard TELE
89 Thal Limited THALL
90 Wah-Nobel Chemicals Ltd WAHN
These companies have been screened from the list of securities eligible for entry in KMI-30 as on December 31st, 2012. For detailed KMI eligibility and selection criteria please see Sections 1.2 and 1.3 of the KMI Index brochure.
Courtesy of Al-Meezan Investments Ltd. Shariah Advisors
good work!
ReplyDeletewill any one provide me daily quotation from all companies which are listed in KSE From 01-Jan-12 to 31-Dec-14
ReplyDeleteI want daily quotation of KSE LISTED Companies from 01-Jan-12 to 31-Dec-12