A. My prediction? When and where did you read that? I don't predict anything. I never said that xyz stock's price would be this much on this date. If you are looking for future price predictions, you have come to the wrong place. Maybe you better go see a palmist or an astrologer or a chartist. I only publish company analysis based on companies past financial reports. Its about company's financial health and nothing else.
Q. Your analysis are wrong, I don't agree with them?
A. Good, so lets hear why is that so. I am all ears. Company analysis is not rocket science. It is based on assumptions. Therefore it is an opinion, not an exact science. So its possible that different people would come up with different fair price values, different assessments of the same companies. I take a pessimistic approach, based on no growth assumptions. I would rather come up with a low fair value, a rather pessimistic assessment than the other way round and bet my money on the wrong horse.
Q. So what kind of companies you chose for your own investment?
A. Undervalued companies, sound financially but ones that market is currently ignoring, out of favor stocks, if you will. They must not be at their price peaks (not doing recent (by recent I mean 12 month) highs), should be profitable, with sound financial ratios, in comparison to their sector peers. Its that simple.
i need closing price turnover and share price of rafhan maize product company limited